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Trussardi 2017春夏男女裝系列,玩轉全新丹寧風潮

| | | |  2017-4-21 14:12

德國時裝它主要是雅致的設置、精美好的材料、科學的拼接和難以吹毛求疵的性能見稱。要借助超群的手工diy能力和卓絕精神境界,TRUSSARDI 企業形象創立者人Dante Trussardi 老公于1912年在德國貝加莫省(Bergamo)逐漸開始經驗你的皮膠手套公司,以高品質的施工工藝技術稱為在英國皇宮頂級批發商商。都會途徑百年老的成材,Trussardi企業形象它主要是優良的皮膠手套加工施工工藝技術稱是為了知名的市場的形勢標準化。
Trussardi 2017春季類型丹寧熱賣單品從剪裁、規劃到特色、的細節與更好時尚稀土元素通過,讓丹寧再塑新的色彩Denim pieces from Trussadri’s 2017 S/S collectioncombines more fashion elements, turning denims into brand new looks.

男性丹寧品項Denim Items from Men’s Collection

Trussardi 2017夏秋季型號的男生丹寧夾克,深藍色丹寧充分彰顯了恬淡的伸士范兒,灰白色溫和時尚設計的,搭配組合立領t恤或圓領男t恤,潮流隨心。還有雅致的小事和利索的設計的,讓人舉起手投足間兼具蕭灑與風雅。Denim jacket enhances the masculine sharpness while the white reveals a contemporary look. Along with the shirt with standup collar or a T-shirt, the air is casual and relaxed. It’s the delicated details and simple design that make the man stand out from the crowd.  

丹寧T恤是T恤中的酷帥商品,Trussardi 2017春季類型的男性丹寧T恤的今年流行個人特質,使其輕松自在掌控畫風充沛、化纖面料各不相同的運動外套,突顯的不同的特點。Denim shirt is one of the key items. And this shirt is very wearable with jacket of any colour and materials. 

Trussardi 2017早春題材的男仕丹寧褲裝,將多樣化的相關和丹寧材質相融合在一起,黃色細色彩新鮮又休閑運動,黃色最新時尚展現自我,淺藍素凈物種多樣性,增加無限修改風采與韻味,表演大膽露輕快的繪畫藝術服裝搭配。Men’s trousers combine bright colours with denim. Colour choices include blue with small floral prints, trendy red, and refreshing blue, all to show a full vibrant and energetic selection.  

除此外面,Trussardi依據地方與裝修設計構思上的超大膽的創新,將民俗的黑與灰玩更新換代花祥。橫縱抽絲、不準則勾破、高調受損等盛行風格,裝修設計構思感夠味,不論是配上電力機車夾克、印花圖案上衣,亦或是體恤,都在如今的時尚的潮人。Moreover, details and innovative designs turn the traditional black and gray into new combinations. Horizontal stripes, irregular cutouts, or worn elements make these denim trousers perfect with biker jacket, printed jacket, or a simple T. 女人丹寧品類Items from Women’s Denim Pieces

Trussardi 2017早春系類的美女豎橫條丹寧夾克,將白、橙黃灰的超大膽撞色加入朋克風的丹寧色,融洽酷炫垂墜寬腿褲,朋克風瀟灑的句子;純藍顏色丹寧夾克融洽素凈連衣連衣裙,將女人的高雅氣場盡情釋放到新穎。Vertical stripes on the denim jackets from the 2017 Spring/Summer collection combine clashing white and orange with denim, pair it with wide trousers with a vintage style. Pure blue denim jacket goes well with a long dress, enhancing the elegance of a woman to the max.  

的材料的自主創新在春季類型的丹寧衣服中也收獲了全面呈現,質感背帶連體超短褲、垂墜細膩連體衣和豎豎條短袖衣服連體衣等丹寧連體裝,用各個的式樣結構設計展示出出男性各不一樣的精致韻味。Innovative materials are fully seen at this denim collection. Leather straps with shorts, fluid jumpsuits and vertical stripe tops are some of the ways the collection explore the various sides of soft elegance. 

紫色音響音箱休閑褲搭豎紋襯衫和皮上裝,沾水洗滌音響音箱六分褲配黃色小格子正裝襯衫,黑白兩色豎紋丹寧休閑褲搭配技巧棕色修身養性夾克,輕奢主義知性美,讓女人的的辦公室穿起來具體表現更優。Blue flared trousers with a striped T-shirt and a leather top. The washed flared cropped trousers are worn with orange checkered blazer. Black and white stripe pants are complemented by dark and long jacket. The endless combinations help working profession alsto stand out.  

年春夏系統的女性朋友有丹寧褲裝更有簡約風放松的的風格,磨邊丹寧運動短褲配巨大的籃球服生動活潑又放松,深顏色高腰直筒褲結合圓領白西裝外套很乖淡雅的圖片,自然黑色勾破九分褲搭婁空雷絲拼結衫黑絲誘惑其迷人,呈現出著當今的時尚風力量。Denims from the women’s collection has a relaxed style. Shorts with trimmings are worn with loose baseball T shirt. Dark navy trousers with a high-waist and slim cut goes well with a white shirt. A pair of cropped black pants with cutouts are paired with lace patchwork top for a high fashion look. 

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