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sandro 星光秀:宋仲基、樸信惠同款你get了嗎?

| | | |  2016-5-20 16:32

樸信惠身披一小套Sandro 2016年年春夏服裝清純混搭風格LOOK揭幕報紙大片兒,宋仲基在Sandro 2016年年春夏系黃色針織品針織毛衣映襯的下做報紙采訪記,大陸明星相似的get上來~

鄰家女孩 ︳樸信惠

Park Shin Hye, the girl next door

相比起強勢逼人的女王裝扮,韓國演員樸信惠似乎更偏愛與她淑女氣質相輔相成的鄰家女孩裝扮。近日,她便身著一整套Sandro 2016春夏女裝甜美混搭LOOK亮相雜志大片。硬朗利落的機車夾克配以一襲洋溢清新氣息的碎花長裙,裙角翻飛步履靈動,時而恣意大笑、時而溫婉可人的樸信惠,明媚了這一整個春意盎然的美好時節!

Contrary to the glamorous looks favored by the pop stars, Korean actress Park Shin Hye prefers her girl-next-door look. Recently, she sported a Sandro outfit from the 2016 Spring-Summer collection for a magazine shoot with a sleek biker jacket and a youthful floral print maxi skirt and sneakers. With her sweet smile and hearty laugh, Park Shin Hye can brighten any day!

帥氣女神 | 李丹妮
Daniella Wang, an unmistakably cool goddess

女神視頻穿起正裝休閑西服有多長種弊端?看超模李丹妮的切身表現你肯定聽說過!近兩天,她考慮了只要身上咄咄逼人陽光的Sandro 2016女性服裝早春系列產品正裝休閑西服套應邀參加主題活動,壯實曲線一點不拖泥帶水,正裝休閑西服剪裁超短褲則烘托出出這雙這令瞠目結舌的大長腿。顯神秘感、秀身材好,我看,穿正裝休閑西服的女人愛就會沒法流行!Just how great can a suit look on a goddess? Supermodel Daniella Wang shows you in person. Recently, she attended an event wearing a suit from Sandro 2016 S/S collection for women. The streamlined jacket and the cropped pants accentuated her long legs. The look was both masculine and feminine - simply chic!

大眾公公 | 宋仲基Universal Dream Boat Song Joong Ki

看是一臺韓劇,多的公公,而擔心是一臺《月亮的族人》,全的世界的少女動漫們又擁有的新公公, 他耍帥新技能MAX,泡妹系統更加是無人問津能敵。明顯也可以靠臉卻偏要靠文采吃個飯的宋仲基,僅憑著他的高容貌和解演得隨著占據微博文章和大家圈!日前,與宋慧喬分著吸收期刊雜志專訪,他首選好幾個身率性而為與世無爭從容的休閑娛樂搭配。純潔與世無爭從容的開朗笑顏,如領家女該魔鬼般柔和直視,宋仲基在Sandro 2016春夏季型號橙紅色針織品針織衫的烘托下,出現與戲里硬朗的機械兵人物形象截然有差異 的另一個說的是面。

For every new Korean drama, girls have a new “husband”. After the drama “Descendent of the Sun”, the leading actor Song Joong Ki became every girl’s dream husband. He was not only cool but also great at flirting with girls. With a face of a super idol, he still insists on winning the audience with his acting skills.  Recently he appeared for an interview with Song Hye Kyo, the leading actress for “Descendent of the Sun”. He selected a casual outfit and charmed the audience with his signature smile and warm gaze. The red sweater by Sandro 2016 revealed a different side from the show.

在平日生活中,宋仲基的衣品也是好的沒話說。出現在友人婚禮上的他,便身著一件Sandro 2016春夏系列男裝風衣,低調配色利落剪裁,在彰顯型男品格的同時,也沒有讓自己的明星光環搶新人的風頭。

In private, he has great taste for clothes. Once he attended a wedding with a trench coat by Sandro from the 2016 S/S collection. The discreet colour combination and the clean cut highlighted his masculinity without overshadowing his star quality.

知名高冷男神 | 陳坤Chen Kun, veteran dream man

即使陷入整個帥哥輩出的21世紀,老字號美男陳坤的魅力風采似舊不能被小覷。身穿Sandro2016春季休閑男裝全系列戰壕呢大衣的他,活得瀟灑出場《芭莎一哥秀》,率直精裁描畫完美無缺姿態,保守藏青非常有內斂情調。In an era of young hunks, established idol Chen Kun still has it. Sporting a trench coat from Sandro 2016 S/S collection for men, he appeared for the Bazaar Show. The sleek cut outfit enhanced his silhouette while revealing an understated calmness.

一縷陽光校草 | 陳曉Chen Xiao, a sunny campus hunk


Often a leading character for ancient Chinese dramas, Chen Xiao has finally turned up in a contemporary outfit as the campus hunk to promote his latest work at an event in Chengdu. In simple knit top and cool jeans from Sandro’s 2016 S/S collection rather than tailored suits, Chen Xiao reminds us of the boy that the girls used to have a crush on in our school days.
sandro sandro [ 品牌中心 ]

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