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| | | |  2014-3-14 09:45


  • 展位號


  • 公司中文名稱:寧波杉杉服裝品牌經營有限公司

  • 展品類別明細: 正裝、

  • 展品英文類別明細: Formal、

  • 展品中文品牌:杉杉

  • 參展目的:

    1.經貿的需求 Needs of Trade Services:

    尋求代理商/經銷商/招募加盟商Seeking Agents/Distributors/Franchising
    尋求品牌托管 Finding Brand Management
    直營進駐百貨公司 Direct Sales in Department Stores
    直營進駐購物中心 Direct Sales in Shopping Malls

    2.區域內需要量Needs on Market Regions:

    東北Northeast China
    西北 Northwest China

    3.都希望進去的百貨商店有限公司和選購中間 Department Stores& Shopping Malls that you would like to enter:


    4.國外投資整個市場消費需求 Needs for Overseas Market ( Overseas brands don’t need to fill in):

    尋找的海外合作方式Overseas Cooperation:
    目標海外市場Target Overseas Market:

  • 工廠介紹英文

  • 在我國國家•常州杉杉衣服知名產品管理有現裝修司是在我國國家傳統明顯的衣服產業群群體----杉杉股單位隸屬的強莊股類產品旗艦店廠家的。產生和推廣中高中檔女士西裝、t恤、產品等。1989年,杉杉知名產品的開創老虎和貓譜寫者鄭永剛收到“創在我國國家女士西裝一是知名產品”的愛情誓言,在在我國國家衣服界著力施工知名產品發展前景戰略目標;一九九零年強調神圣房產管理發展理念;1992年共建起但是湖北省最很大最齊全的靠譜茶葉市場上推廣組織體制;1993年斥大量資金詳細拷貝到廠家的公眾形象掌握軟件(CIS);1994年稱得上在我國國家衣服業一是家面市裝修司;1995年建于國際上1流標準的衣服產生基底;1996年按國際上最優性線上線上營銷方式來特許銷售管理的改革創新,造成了以選擇區域代理為基本體的靠譜茶葉市場上線上線上營銷網,有強強大的靠譜化的靠譜茶葉市場上標準程度,在在我國國家基本城鎮建設主營店,在中端百貨商場建設主營廳,到了1000幾十家。杉杉知名產品從弱到強,從到大,訊速稱得上在我國國家進行求美者最歡迎的衣服知名產品,聞名小說天下。

  • 牌子分享

  • 杉杉西裝外套用作國內 最旱問世的同行競爭業大高端企業,在分娩上完成從德國中小企業、英國、法國引進人才的游戲先進的全半自動吊式式工資自動化出產線操作的。在工藝技術位置定位,分娩操作流程等幾個方面的手機軟件技術應用在國內 是第二家。本中小企業操作上由英國大東日礦和法國法拉奧子公司的學者立即組織,和其實在一九九六年就推進改革完成ISO9002質量體系中做出品質保證操作。用作國內 大高端企業、國內 知名商標名稱的杉杉高端企業,是第二家完成墨環保節能標準認可的運動服裝款式出口高端企業,也是國內 運動服裝款式出口業內的代表著高端企業,演變成了職業裝、運用、放松等系列軟件化軟件,至少杉杉西裝外套和杉杉西裝外套均評為第七屆“國內 大高端企業”軟件微章。在國內 運動服裝款式出口界,杉杉成就了單項私服奇跡,獲得勝利了日益突出榮譽稱號。

  • 英文版單位詳細介紹

  • FIRS Clothing Brand Management Co., Ltd (Ningbo, China) is a main product flagship enterprise belonging to the largest clothing industry group in China——Shanshan Corporation. It produces and sells middle to high-grade suits, shirts, and dresses, etc. In 1989, Zheng Yonggang, the founder and creator of FIRS brand made the oath to “build the No.1 Suit Brand in China” and took the lead in implementing brand development strategy in Chinese clothing industry; in 1990, he put forward the idea of intangible assets management; in 1992, he constructed the largest and most complete sales system in China at that time; in 1994, he made a large investment to introduce the Corporate Identity System (CIS) comprehensively; in 1996, the company became the first listed company in Chinese clothing industry; in 1998, a world-level clothing production base was established; in 1999, the company carried out the franchise reform according to world best marketing mode, formed a marketing network with franchisees as main body, got a strong and professional market development ability, and started opening exclusive shops in major cities of China and exclusive stores in mainstream malls, and the number of stores reached over 1,000. FIRS Brand developed from nothing, and grew from small to big. Very soon, it became the favorite clothing brand among Chinese consumers and a worldwide renowned brand.

  • 英文怎么說的品牌的介紹

  • As the earliest famous brand in Chinese clothing industry, FIRS Suit adopts the world first-class fully automatic hanging pile line operation imported from Germany, Japan, and Italy in production. It’s the first in China to apply software in craft orientation and production flow. The company’s business management is directly handled by experts from Japan’s Taito Joint-stock Company and Italian Gruppo Forall, and it started using ISO9002 quality system for quality control as early as in 1996.As a China Top Brand and China Famous Brand, FIRS is the first clothing brand to pass the Green Guard Certification, and also is a representative brand of Chinese clothing industry. It formed many series products, such as formal wear, business wear, and casual wear, etc, among which the FIRS Suit and FIRS Shirt got the first session “China Top Brand” title. In China’s clothing industry, FIRS created many miracles and won lots of honors.

FIRS杉杉 FIRS杉杉 [ 品牌中心 ]




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